
Visit Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park


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Over a century has passed since the founding of this unique town dedicated to the dignity of the human spirit. Visit Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park to learn about Colonel Allen Allensworth and the courageous group of families and individuals who believed they could create their own version of the "American Dream".

One of the most important buildings, historically and in the memory of Allensworth pioneers, is the two-room schoolhouse built in 1912. This building was in use until 1972 and is furnished as it would have been on a school day in 1915.

Also important to the education of Allensworth's citizens was the Mary Dickerson Memorial Library, about 200-yards north of the school. This building was originally a one-room schoolhouse built in 1910.

Colonel Allen Allensworth and his wife Josephine's residence is furnished to reflect the 1912 time period. This was a kit home delivered by train to Allensworth and assembled onsite in 1911.

Want to get a feel for Allensworth before you visit? Then check out our "virtual tour" webpage containing photographs of Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park's historic, restored, and reconstructed buildings.

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